Utility functions for Test Automation
Below is a list of utility functions that have been useful for creating 4th generation test automation frameworks and above. These are mainly for the tool HP QTP. This code was specifically created for a client in Australia called AMP.
'PT 05/09/2012 - The new reporter object
'PT 10/10/2012 - Adding extra handling for suite runs. If 3 or more errors, exit the test and go to the next one.
Public Sub s_Reporter (v_Result, v_TitleMessage, v_StepMessage)
Select Case UCase(v_Result)
Case "PASS"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, v_TitleMessage, v_StepMessage
Case "FAIL"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, v_TitleMessage, v_StepMessage
Case "DONE"
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, v_TitleMessage, v_StepMessage
End Select
End Sub
'PT 28/02/2012 - Imports the datatable into the run time table.
Public Sub s_ImportExcelSheetValues (strFilename, strSheetname)
DataTable.AddSheet strSheetname
DataTable.ImportSheet strFilename, strSheetname, strSheetname
End Sub
'PT 28/08/2012 - Generates a string value with the datetime format of:
' ddmmyyyy
Public Function f_GetDateTime ()
Dim v_Temp, v_Date, v_Time, v_Day, v_Month, v_Year, v_ArrTemp, v_Hour, v_Min
'v_Temp = date
v_Temp = SYSTEMDATE 'PT 26/10/2012 - Added this as it needs to be the application system date
v_ArrTemp = Split(v_Temp, "/")
v_Day = CStr(v_ArrTemp(0))
v_Month = CStr(v_ArrTemp(1))
v_Year = CStr( v_ArrTemp(2))
'v_Year = RIGHT(v_Year, 2)
v_Temp = Time
If Len(Hour(v_Temp)) = 1 Then
v_Hour = "0" & CStr(Hour(v_Temp))
v_Hour = CStr(Hour(v_Temp))
End If
If Len(Minute(v_Temp)) = 1 Then
v_Min = "0" & CStr(Minute(v_Temp))
v_Min = CStr(Minute(v_Temp))
End If
f_GetDateTime = v_Day & v_Month & v_Year ' v_Hour & v_Min
End Function
'PT 19/10/2012 - Different date format
'Date format: dd/mm/yyyy
Public Function f_GetDateTime2 ()
Dim v_Temp, v_Date, v_Time, v_Day, v_Month, v_Year, v_ArrTemp, v_Hour, v_Min
v_Temp = date
v_ArrTemp = Split(v_Temp, "/")
v_Day = CStr(v_ArrTemp(0))
v_Month = CStr(v_ArrTemp(1))
v_Year = CStr( v_ArrTemp(2))
'v_Year = RIGHT(v_Year, 2)
v_Temp = Time
If Len(Hour(v_Temp)) = 1 Then
v_Hour = "0" & CStr(Hour(v_Temp))
v_Hour = CStr(Hour(v_Temp))
End If
If Len(Minute(v_Temp)) = 1 Then
v_Min = "0" & CStr(Minute(v_Temp))
v_Min = CStr(Minute(v_Temp))
End If
f_GetDateTime2 = v_Day & "/" & v_Month & "/" & v_Year ' v_Hour & v_Min
End Function
'PT 11/09/2012 - Get current date
'PT 26/10/2012 - Now based on system date
Public Function f_GetCurrentDate()
'f_GetCurrentDate = Date
f_GetCurrentDate = SYSTEMDATE
End Function
'PT 11/09/2012 - Add or subtract the time specified
'Eg. - 51 years
Public Function f_GetDateAdd(v_Str)
Dim v_Years, v_CurrentDateTime, v_NewDate
Dim v_Months, v_Days
v_CurrentDateTime = CStr(f_GetCurrentDate())
If InStr(v_Str, "YEARS") <> 0 Then
v_Years = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, Len(v_Str) - 5))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("yyyy", v_Years, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "YEAR") <> 0 Then
v_Years = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, Len(v_Str) - 4))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("yyyy", v_Years, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "MONTHS") <> 0 Then
v_Months = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, Len(v_Str) - 6))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("m", v_Months, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "MONTH") <> 0 Then
v_Months = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, Len(v_Str) - 5))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("m", v_Months, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "DAYS") <> 0 Then
v_Days = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, Len(v_Str) - 4))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("d", v_Days, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "DAY") <> 0 Then
v_Days = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, Len(v_Str) - 3))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("d", v_Days, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "WEEKS") <> 0 Then
v_Weeks = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, LEN(v_Str) - 5))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("ww", v_Weeks, v_CurrentDateTime)
ElseIf InStr(v_Str, "WEEK") <> 0 Then
v_Weeks = Trim(LEFT(v_Str, LEN(v_Str) - 4))
v_NewDate = DateAdd("ww", v_Weeks, v_CurrentDateTime)
End If
f_GetDateAdd = v_NewDate
End Function
'PT 28/08/2012 - Returns the current time in HH:MM format.
Public Function f_GetCurrentTime ()
Dim v_Time, v_TimeLen, v_TempArr, v_Hour, v_Min
v_Time = time
v_TimeLen = CInt(Len(v_Time)) - 3
v_Time = LEFT(v_Time, v_TimeLen)
v_TempArr = Split(v_Time, ":")
v_Hour = v_TempArr(0)
If Len(v_Hour) = 1 Then
v_Hour = "0" & CStr(v_Hour)
End If
v_Min = v_TempArr(1)
If Len(v_Min) = 1 Then
v_Min = "0" & CStr(v_Min)
End If
f_GetCurrentTime = v_Hour & ":" & v_Min
End Function
'PT 31/08/2012 - Gets the full path in a folder matching a string pattern and returns a boolean result
Public Function f_CheckFileInFolder(filepath, filename)
Dim fso, f, f1, fc, v_Temp
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFolder(filepath)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 in fc
v_Temp = f1.name
If Instr(v_Temp, filename) <> 0 Then
f_CheckFileInFolder = True
Exit Function
End If
f_CheckFileInFolder = False
End Function
'PT 09/10/2012 - Get MQ message
'NOTE: The MQSERVER environment variable needs to be added to work. The syntax for it is below:
'MQSERVER= ChannelName/Protocol/Server(port)
'The MQSERVER variable is: *
' Refer to the config file for constants and their values
Public Function f_GetMQMessage()
Dim MQSess, QMgr, Queue, GetMsg, GetOptions, v_Counter
Dim Reading, MsgData, MQOO_INPUT_SHARED
Reporter.Filter = REPORT_DISABLE
v_Counter = 1
Set MQSess = CreateObject("MQAX200.MQSession")
Set QMgr = CreateObject("MQAX200.MQQueueManager")
Set QMgr = MQSess.AccessQueueManager(QUEUEMANAGER)
Set Queue = QMgr.AccessQueue(QUEUEOUT,MQOO_INPUT_SHARED) '*
On Error Resume Next
' Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Set f1 = fso.CreateTextFile("E:\\MQ\\msg.txt",8, True)
Do While IsEmpty(MsgData) = True or MsgData = "" 'Queue.completionCode() <> -1
' WScript.Echo "Qu'eue Accessed"
If v_Counter <> 2000 Then 'Using the counter as a time limit.
Set GetMsg = MQSess.AccessMessage()
Set GetOptions = MQSess.AccessGetMessageOptions()
Call Queue.Get(GetMsg, GetOptions)
' WScript.Echo "Looping " & Queue.ReasonCode & " " & Queue.completionCode()
' If Queue.ReasonCode=2033 Then
' Exit Do
' Else
MsgData= GetMsg.MessageData
' f1.Write(MsgData & "+NextMsg+") ' +NextMsg+ is a delimiter between two messages
f_GetMQMessage = MsgData
Reporter.Filter = REPORT_ENABLE
'wait 3
v_Counter = v_Counter + 1
s_Reporter "Fail", "Get MQ Message from queue manager: " & QUEUEMANAGER & ", and queue: " & QUEUEOUT, "There is no message in the queue. " _
& "Please check to see if it is a processing error or whether it is a broker not running."
Exit Function
End If
' END If
' f1.Close
s_Reporter "Done", "Get MQ Message from queue manager: " & QUEUEMANAGER & ", and queue: " & QUEUEOUT, "The message obtained was: " & MsgData
End Function
'PT 09/10/2012 - Put an MQ Message on a queue
''NOTE: The MQSERVER environment variable needs to be added to work. The syntax for it is below:
'MQSERVER= ChannelName/Protocol/Server(port)
'The MQSERVER variable is: MQSERVER=*
' Refer to the config file for constants and their values
Public Sub s_PutMQMessage(v_MessageData)
Dim MQSess, QMgr, Queue, AccessQ, AccessOptions
OPEN_OPTION = 1 + 16
Reporter.Filter = REPORT_DISABLE
Set MQSess = CreateObject("MQAX200.MQSession")
Set QMgr = CreateObject("MQAX200.MQQueueManager")
Set QMgr = MQSess.AccessQueueManager(QUEUEMANAGER)
Set Queue = QMgr.AccessQueue(QUEUEIN,OPEN_OPTION)
Set AccessQ = MQSess.AccessMessage()
AccessQ.MessageData = v_MessageData
Set AccessOptions = MQSess.AccessPutMessageOptions()
Call Queue.Put(AccessQ, AccessOptions)
Reporter.Filter = REPORT_ENABLE
s_Reporter "Done", "Put MQ Message on the Q Manager: " & QUEUEMANAGER & ", and the queue: " & QUEUEIN, "The message placed was: " & v_MessageData
End Sub
'PT 05/09/2012 - Compares an XML file and the string contents of the file
'Returns a boolean result
Public Function f_CompareXML (XMLPath, FilePath)
Dim oDoc, oDocStr, oDoc2, oDoc2Str, res, v_Doc1, v_Doc2
'Initialise objects
Set oDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXML()
Set oDocStr = xmlutil.CreateXML()
Set oDoc2 = XMLUtil.CreateXML()
Set oDoc2Str = XMLUtil.CreateXML()
'Load objects and variables
oDoc.LoadFile FilePath
oDocStr.Load oDoc.ToString
oDoc2.LoadFile XMLPath
oDoc2Str.Load oDoc2.ToString
'v_Doc1 = oDocStr.Load (oDoc.ToString ())
'v_Doc2 = oDoc2Str.Load (oDoc2.ToString())
'Compare the object strings
res = oDocStr.Compare(oDoc2Str)
If res = 1 Then
'Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Compare XML", "The files: " & XMLPath & ", " & FilePath & " match."
s_Reporter "Pass", "Compare XML", "The files: " & XMLPath & ", " & FilePath & " match."
f_CompareXML = True
'Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Compare XML", "The files: " & XMLPath & ", " & FilePath & " do not match."
s_Reporter "Fail", "Compare XML", "The files: " & XMLPath & ", " & FilePath & " do not match."
f_CompareXML= False
End If
End Function
'PT 05/09/2012 - Compare file (binary compare)
'Returns a boolean result
Public Function f_BCompareFile(fileOne, fileTwo)
Dim WshShell, oExec
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = WshShell.Exec("fc /b " & fileOne & " " & fileTwo)
output = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll()
If InStr(1,output, "No differences encountered", 1) Then
'Files are the same
'Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Binary File Comparison", "The file: " & fileOne & " and the second file: " & fileTwo & " are the same."
s_Reporter "Pass", "Binary File Comparison", "The file: " & fileOne & " and the second file: " & fileTwo & " are the same."
f_BCompareFile = True
'Files are different
'Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Binary File Comparison", "The file: " & fileOne & " and the second file: " & fileTwo & " are NOT the same."
s_Reporter "Fail", "Binary File Comparison", "The file: " & fileOne & " and the second file: " & fileTwo & " are NOT the same."
f_BCompareFile = False
End If
End Function
'PT 10/09/2012 - Strips the special characters out of strings
'So far: only the chars ".", "(", ")" have been stripped
Public Function f_StripSpecialChars (v_Str)
Dim v_Temp
v_Temp = Replace(v_Str, ".", "")
v_Temp = Replace (v_Temp, "(", "" )
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, ")", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "#", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "/", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "?", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "-", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "%", "")
'v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, " ", "")
'v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, ":", "")
f_StripSpecialChars = v_Temp
End Function
'PT 18/09/2012 - Generate a random number
'Can make any random int value to whatever length required.
' By default it will provide a single random number.
Public Function f_GenRndNo(v_Length)
Dim v_Number, i
If v_Length = "" Then
v_Length = 1
End If
For i = 1 to v_Length
v_Number = v_Number & CStr(int(rnd*10))
While v_Number = "0"
v_Number = v_Number & CStr(int(rnd*10))
f_GetRndIntNumber = v_Number
End Function
'PT 08/10/2012 - Strip a string of all letters
Public Function f_StripAllLettersFromStr(v_Str)
Dim v_Temp
v_Temp = Replace(Trim(UCase(v_Str)), "A", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "B", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "C", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "D", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "E", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "F", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "G", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "H", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "I", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "J", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "K", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "L", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "M", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "N", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "O", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "P", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "Q", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "R", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "S", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "T", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "U", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "V", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "W", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "X", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "Y", "")
v_Temp = Replace(v_Temp, "Z", "")
f_StripAllLettersFromStr = Trim(v_Temp)
End Function
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